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Showing posts from December, 2020

Online Presense: Blog 11 (FINAL)

My whole life on the Internet? Social Media has been apart of my life since around Elementary school. I remember opening up my first Facebook account and lying about my age-you have to be 13 to have Facebook- so I could have my page. It never occurred to me that whatever I was posting would stay on the internet forever.  Up until High School, I firmly believed that if we were to just delete what we posted on any site it would be gone forever. Boy, when I look back now I really wish I would have listened to my teachers in Middle School. They told us to be careful with what we post on the internet because it can come back to haunt us. Even though I have a digital footprint and there are things I wish I never posted online. I continue to use social media every  What Social Media do I use Instagram This is my main account on Instagram. My account is private so if someone wants to see my page they have to request to follow me before they can see anything. I do this so I know who follows me

EOTO Terms and Concepts: Blog 10

 Gatekeeping The Origin The theory in itself came from  Kurt Lewin  in 1943.  Definition: According to Gatekeeping Theory, gatekeeping is “the process of culling and crafting countless bits of information into the limited amounts of messages that reach people each day..” In other words, gatekeeping is when the media only shows certain parts of an issue. This often creates a biased towards certain people, events, or things happening around the world. The earliest trace of gatekeeping is 1922 through literature. This theory is used through communications, sociology, political science, and journalism. How it is affecting our world Gatekeeping is very real and at times scary to think about when it comes to our news sources. We have to often search for the bigger picture because it is not being given to us. We are only given partial explanations and biased information. America claims to be not like China but we are in fact starting to censor facts just because it doesn't agree with what

The Progessive Era: Blog 4

Have we changed? When it comes to the 21st century, we often like to consider ourselves different from history. In many ways we are different, new technology, more rights, but one thing that hasn't changed is shutting down the perspective of those that might disagree with the latest status quo. Progressive Era During the Progressive era, America was going through WWI. This was a time when many people went off to war and never questioned it, or so we think. There actually were voices of citizens who thought the war was the last thing the U.S should be doing. These particular people believed the U.S should have stayed out of other countries problems and focus on the issues they already had. Many of those same people that voiced their opinions were bashed and thrown in jail because they were talking down on the war and the government's decisions. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press seemed to not apply here. They were told that they weren't allowed to speak badly of the

Privacy and Ted Talks: Blog 9

 Ted Talks As I listened to various ted talks about privacy, I learned all the ways the government is tracking our every move. I was not that shocked because at this point we have trackers in our phone, and don't get me started on the Cover Tracker that just magically appeared one day. Two of the talks that stuck with me were Juan Enriquez's "Your online life, permanent as a tattoo" and Darieth Chisolm's "How revenge porn turns your life upside down." They both were interesting and explained well what social media or pictures do to your life.  Juan talked about how what you post online can send a message just like a tattoo does. Darieth spoke on her experience with revenge porn and how much it effected her life. How it changed the way she saw media and what people can do just to get revenge. How do I feel There are many things that I wish I would have never shared online or with my electronic devices. I think that we have no privacy and that it will not

Diffusion of Innovation: Blog 8

Electronic Pay, and the Diffusion of Innovations Theory. Taken by Dr. Dean Smith The Diffusion of Innovations is used to define how change has been made by technological advancements and how it has influenced our society for the past, present, and future. Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and other forms of NFC payment have been extremely crucial in how conveniently we use our debit and credit cards to pay for everyday items. This, among many other factors, is why innovators have worked tirelessly to continue to advance our contactless pay method. Also, with technology in other areas continuing to advance, many investors, businesses, and other entities have been more than willing to support the continuing advancements of contactless pay using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and other forms of NFC pay. Card reader companies, such as Verifone, implemented the ability to accept NFC payment on their readers. Because of this very limited and new field of how we pay, Verifone became the early adopters of this