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EOTO Com Tech Timeline: Blog 7 (Do one from a presentation you liked)

 Instagram, everyone loves it.

Instagram is a photo-sharing app that was created in 2010. The co-founders of Instagram sold it to Facebook (FB) in 2012 for one billion dollars It allows individuals the ability to upload photos and videos with tools they can use to edit, add captions, and hashtags. Instagram is a great app because it gives us the ability to share media with friends and family, interact with others by liking and sharing photos. It also gives us the resources to view trending content and meet new people. People like Instagram because it is made to stay connected to others and create new connections. For younger kids, Instagram is one of the resources to stay on trend and become popular in society. People from all walks of life use Instagram and the ability to personalize it within your preference. There are many pros and cons to Instagram. The pros are Instagram’s ability to be neat and organized within your profile. It also is very great with keeping up with upgrades and the latest technology, so it never becomes outdated. The cons are the addiction that people have to the app and the validation to be popular. This causes many problems with people creating a fake persona and not being real. I love Instagram because it gives me the ability to share my life with others along with having a neat and organized profile. I am allowed to have bright colors, personalized profile pictures, profile descriptions, and more! It’s also a very simple platform. There’s not as much post clutter as Facebook and the ability to browse through hashtags and post is easily accessible. Overall, I believe Instagram is the #1 social media app because of its clear view, communication, and simplicity. I also think that with time you can grow a following that can make you an influencer which comes with many perks. I also enjoy that you can use other editing apps to create boomerangs, collages, and presets (filters) that can make your feed look more appealing. Here is a picture of my Instagram. I just googled my username and it popped up. I do have a private account.



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