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Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog 2

 The Supreme Court The Supreme Court is apart of the judicial branch. As you can probably tell since it does Supreme, they are the highest federal court for our nation. They make sure that laws are being practiced and that everything that goes on in court cases and new laws is constitutional. They also have the power to check the other two branches to make sure they aren't going overboard. The Supreme Court has 9 justices, who are the people that help make decisions and make sure the other two branches in the government are being constitutional when making laws or when people want to know if something is within their rights or not. The Beginning  While the Supreme Court was established in the constitution it wasn't of any use until 1803 when Marbury v. Madison came into play It is one of the most known cases and is seen has the case that really made the Judicial branch have power. Later on, they decided that there should be 9 justices and they have not changed that number ever

Blog 1

My 5 top sources for news and information  When I was looking over my top 5 news sources from last semester, I thought my sources wouldn't change but it turns out I use many different outlets to receive my news. I found that so interesting because that was last semester, it goes to show that a lot can change in a course of 6 months. CNN  While CNN leans it's biased towards a liberal standpoint, when I need to see what's going on they are the ones that usually pop on. When I search for anything news-related, they are also the ones at the top of my search list. Something that also makes me automatically look at them for news is the fact that they also have a Spanish channel. I would say they are reliable but would also suggest looking at other news sources just so it isn't as biased and you get to see the whole picture. The Washington Post When I need to look at anything that relates to the president or congress, I always go see what "The Washingt